Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome to Nubby's Wonderful World.

Hello everyone.

Well, i finally did it... i created the official Nubby blog.

This blog isn't finished. It needs lots of work. Over the next few weeks i will be working on it but in the meantime it is active and you can come here anytime to read about Nubby.

Sorry there isn't a lot of pictures of her right now but there will be TONS in the future. A lot of my pictures of Nubby are on my other computer and eventually i will get on that computer and retrive her photo's. I'll also be taking tons of new pics of her.

Right now... as i write this Nubby is at the vet and she's due to have surgery sometime this evening. She is having a small tumor removed. So, i am a nervous wreck right now. i thought I'd take all that nervous energy and use it to work on her blog.

As for the template for this blog. well, for the last 3 days I've been searching the net for just the perfect template and i have yet to find one that fits Nubby, so in the meantime i am using this template. Sorry it's rather boring but eventually I'll find the perfect template, a template that will fit my little miracle rat Nubby perfectly.

There will be many things added here so please stay tuned, bookmark this blog and check back often.

As or her surgery... soon as i hear something i will update it here.

She's only been gone for about 4 hours and i miss her desperately. She's recently turned into a rat that loves to cuddle and i would give anything to cuddle with her right now. I can't stand knowing she's all alone at the vet. But, i do know she is in wonderful hands. She's probably sound a sleep right now.

Well ok... that's all for now. If you have any idea's for this blog just leave me a comment. Also Nubby has her own e mail if you'd ever like to contact her- Nubbyrat@aol.com or e mail me at Rsungodess2003@aol.com

Take care and PLEASE keep Nubby in your thoughts and think positive that her surgery will go ok and that she has no complication.



jen said...

Hi, what a wonderful little rattie girl you have. I am amazed at all she has been through! Does she walk on her hind legs? I had one of my boys go through 2 surgeries to remove a cancerous tumor, and he took it like a champ. I hope Nubby does just as well.


Trishymouse said...

I am SO glad to have found Nubby's blog. What a sweetie...