Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nubby's email...

If you would like to e mail Nubby, please look at the sidebar to your right and scroll down to where it says "Want to e mail Nubby?" and take a look, her e mail is there.


Steffy said...

My wee little beasties friend posted about you and your Nubby..She is so beautiful and I want to tell you how amazing you are for being such a great mommy to such a little angel. ~Stef and the rodent hoard.
P.s. I would love to link to your page, give me the green or red.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

How is Nubby doing? We love her story and amazing little self ~the Fluffy TRibe

Text On Screen said...

Just came by and saw Nubby. We have a 9 week old baby girl named Gemini. She is a little gem given to my daughter for her birthday in June. It was my daughter's 12th birthday so the year of the Rat is rocking.

Trust your little one is all right. My little girl cried when she saw the pictures of Nubby. I assured her that she has a Mummy like Gemini has a Mummy and a couple of Sisters and a Brother.

Sending energy out to you both!

Lynn said...

I just found Nubby and your page. She is an amazing girl, and I hope she's doing well.